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Murray Library e-books

  EBSCO ebooks E-Book Central (formerly ebrary)
Number of books Over 16,000 Over 80,000
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Most books allow only one user at a time.

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1. My EBSCO account (free)

2. Adobe Digital Editions (free)

1. E-book Central account (free)

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Download options

1. Adobe Digital Editions

2. Mobile device (iPad instructions)

Download Instructions

1. Adobe Digital Editions

2. Mobile device

Download Instructions

Checkout period 7 days (14 days for Religion Collection books) 14 days
Return book early no, book is unavailable until checkout period is over. yes
Mobile app available yes (free) yes (free)
Searchable yes yes
Mobile compatible yes yes - iPad, iPhone, Kindle (chapters, not whole books)
Boolean/Phrase Searching yes, both yes, both
Refworks compatible yes yes