Seed Library


Regular Semester Hours

Monday................8:00am – 11:00pm
Tuesday...............8:00am – 11:00pm
Wednesday..........8:00am – 11:00pm
Thursday..............8:00am – 11:00pm
Friday....................8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday...............10:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday.................2:00pm – 11:00pm

See the "Hours of Operation Calendar" on the "Circulation: Murray Library" web page for regular and modified library hours.

What is a Seed Library?

According to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, "A seed library is a circulating collection of seeds that people can borrow, plant, harvest, save, and—if all goes according to plan—return to the library for others to borrow."

Why a Seed Library?

Seed Libraries offer an easy and affordable way for people to “check out” seeds for gardening and promote sustainable habits as people collect seeds to “return.” A Seed Library offers opportunities for anyone to try their hand in gardening, whether they are a complete beginner or master gardener, live in the city or the country, or want to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers, or any combination of plants.


Our goals are to:

  1. Freely provide a variety of seeds available for anyone with a desire to garden.
  2. Educate gardeners with resources in a variety of formats such as library materials, web-based, and in person lectures/events.
  3. Promote sustainability and healthy living through seed saving and the use of plants for food, décor, and more.
  4. Create a self-sustaining collection of seeds that are increasingly acclimated to our growing conditions.

How Does it Work?

“Check Out”-

  1.  Simply tell an employee at the circulation desk that you would like to check out some seeds and you can select up to two seed packets of up to five varieties (maximum 10 packets per visit).
  2. Fill out a Check-Out form with your basic contact information and the seeds you have taken. You will be provided with an information sheet.
  3. Plant your seeds and watch them grow!


  1. As you harvest your plants, save some of the seeds to bring back to the library.
  2. Return the seeds in separate bags or envelopes by their variety to the circulation desk. Seeds must be dry and free of most residue.
  3. Fill out a seed donation sheet with information about each variety of seeds.

(Please note that we will not accept cross-pollinated seeds and will only accept commercially packaged hybrid seeds!)

Our first instructions from God were to care for His creation as His imagers on earth (Gen 1:26; 2:15).  Digging, planting, caring, and harvesting are small, yet deep reminders of participating in His created order.  Our mission is to promote sustainable gardening, harvesting, and creation care practices through the free sharing of seeds to Messiah University’s community and neighbors. Through the tradition of seed saving, the Seed Library celebrates cultural heritage, biodiversity, and sustainability.

GPS Address: 2850 Crestline Dr, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Mailing Address: 1 University Ave., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055


  • General visitor parking is available in the Old Main parking lot (VV), on the side nearest to the Eisenhower Campus Center (College Ave).
  • Handicap parking is located to the side of the building between the library and Frey Hall. This is accessible by going around the back of the library building (Crestline Drive).
Phone: (717) 691-6006, ext. 3860

