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Institutional Repository: For COE Submitters

Learn more about OERs

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are part of a larger conversation about scholarly communication. We want to help students have access to knowledge and high quality educational materials at a managable price. If you create or modify your own OER, it can be included and shared in the Institutional Repository.

Learn more: Open Educational Resources Guide

For Faculty

Spring 2019: Please send the Institutional Repository Manager any of the following:

  • Citations of any previously published journal articles (We'll do the rights checking)
  • Pre- or Post- print journal articles that are known to be cleared for self-archiving
  • Personal musical performances of rights-free musical arrangements
  • Images or scans of juried art pieces
  • Original educational resources from courses you teach (Syllabi, lecture notes or recordings, etc.)
  • Your C.V. with list of publications with bibliographic information

Submit here!


As an author, you retain all copyright of your work. Materials in the repository are available for scholarly and research use only.  You do not relinquish copyright when sharing their work in an institutional repository.  The work is still yours to do with as you please. You may continue to revise it and even to submit it for publication in a journal.

Options for Creative Commons Licenses

You choose what combination is best for you. We recommend two options:

Creative Commons License This lets others remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author(s) and license their new creations under the identical terms (More protective)

Creative Commons License This lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. (More open)

Submitter and Institutional Rights to Take Down

Messiah College may remove my content from the repository without notice. Likewise, any submitter can notify Messiah in writing and request that their content be removed as soon as practical.

There are many benefits to contributing to the Institutional Repository

  • An Institutional Repository is a set of services, not just a website
  • Wide dissemination benefits you & your research
  • Increase usage, citations, and impact of research
  • Little technical expertise needed to submit to the IR
  • Time efficient return on investment - 5 minutes of uploading = up to 200% increase in citations
  • Share content to a worldwide audience
  • Increase opportunities for funding and international collaboration
  • Retain the rights you want
  • Use and develop your own work without restriction
  • Make your work permanently and openly accessible

Academic Social Networking - Opportunities of an Institutional Repository

Research supervisors, professors, mentors, or advisors are responsible for:

  • Nominating exemplary student work (via form TBD)
  • Reviewing and approving work of students who self-nominate

Departments or Schools are responsible for:

  • Providing final approval of each submission
  • Determining their own review criteria or qualifications of exemplary content for their field/discipline
  • Approving work of alumni who self-nominate post-graduation
  • Referee alumni work on its current or enduring research value to users

Academic student or alumni works will only be published in the repository after this two step approval. The repository intends to exemplify the best scholarship and creative works produced by undergraduate and graduate students of Messiah College.  Students will be notified by email from the IR manager with a decision regarding the status of their submission.