Complete back runs of scholarly journals beginning with the first issues and continuing to within 3-5 years of the present.
Provides citations (no abstracts) to journals, books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies covering literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore worldwide.
Provides full text of journals, books, and other published sources from around the world in the field of the humanities.
A wide range of interdisciplinary fields covered in a broad array of humanities and social sciences journals including content from H.W. Wilson's International Index.
There are many search terms you can use to find books on the topic in the LIBRARY CATALOG (link at left). Be thinking of broader and narrower terms you can use (e.g., Japanese Theater (broad); Kabuki (narrower term for one genre of Japanese theatre). Here are some suggested searches/terms:
Search the following SUBJECT BROWSE terms (change dropdown menu next to the search box at left to "Subject"):
Theater--History--17th century
Costume (used for works on clothing treated as an artistic object, as well as works on clothing created for the stage & screen)
Costume--17th century
Clothing and dress (though used for utilitarian uses of clothing, may also be good for searching clothing of a particular time or place)
Also try KEYWORD searches (change dropdown menu to "Boolean Keyword"). Here are some examples:
"women's roles" and (theater or theatre)
comedy and Jacobean