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Events and Exhibits: Guidelines

Have an idea for a Library event or exhibit? Let us know!

General Guidelines

  1. Murray Library regularly mounts temporary displays and periodically hosts special events that highlight library resources and services, commemorate special holidays or calendar events of local or national significance, celebrate the work of students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and build and enliven community spirit through entertainment and enjoyment.
  2. Messiah students and employees are welcome to propose exhibits and displays based on their interests and personal collections.  On occasion, exceptions may be made.
  3. The Library Director, in consultation with the librarians and staff charged with planning and executing displays and special events, reserves the right to disallow a particular display or event.

Guidelines for Exhibits

  1. Exhibits installed in the display cases at Murray Library are expected to serve an educational purpose consistent with and supportive of the mission of the University.  Exhibits will portray a balance of topics and viewpoints.  They will focus on topics consistent with the overall scholarly and cultural concerns of Messiah University.
  2. While the Library will certainly mount displays of interest and relevance, departments outside the library are welcome to propose displays, with particular consideration given to those departments that do not have other display areas available to them.
  3. Exhibits may promote programs and activities of recognized campus organizations.  However, the display cases are not available for publicizing partisan political, social, or other viewpoints.
  4. Topics subject to controversy may and should be presented, provided they are handled in an objective manner and are consistent with the overall scholarly and cultural concerns of the University.
  5. The following will be particularly encouraged:
  • ​​Exhibits that support and enhance the mission and curricular goals of the University. 
  • Exhibits pertaining to major events on campus relative to the University's academic programs.
  • Exhibits that assist members of the university community in understanding and making use of library, University and community resources or are of special relevance to the Library's collections and services.
  • Exhibits that bring to the university community outstanding representatives of cultural or social phenomena.

Guidelines for Events

The same guidelines in terms of content apply to events as displays.  While generally events are also tied to our collections or scholarly and cultural concerns, some events may be held simply to build community spirit, "demystify" the library, and offer welcome and hospitality.  Events are important for building relationships between library and students, which, studies show, also contribute to student success.