Primo help

A guide to the library discovery search system


The My Favorites page, which is accessed by clicking the My Favorites button FavoritesIcon.png at the top of each page, contains the following tabs:

  • Saved Records – This tab displays all of your saved records and allows you to manage your saved records

  • Saved Searches – This tab displays all of your saved searches and allows you to manage your saved searches. In addition, it lets you set up alerts and RSS feeds, which let you know when results have changed for saved searches.

  • Search History – This tab displays all of your searches for the current session and allows you to manage your current session's searches. For signed-in users, Primo will retain the last 100 searches.

  • You save your search queries by clicking on the Save Query and save items to your favorites by clicking on the FavoritesIcon.png

search results screen with favorites button circled