In the "Search Primo" box, type the following:
1. Bible Isaiah Commentaries
2. Click on the "Search" button
To search for commentaries on books with 1st’s and 2nd’s, use the following examples:
For commentaries on 1st and 2nd Samuel:
For commentaries specific to 1st Samuel:
To search for commentaries on collected books of the Old Testament, use these subject headings:
Bible O.T. Commentaries
Bible O.T. Pentateuch Commentaries
Bible O.T. Historical Books Commentaries
Bible O.T. Poetical Books Commentaries
Bible O.T. Prophets Commentaries
Bible O.T. Minor Prophets Commentaries
To search for commentaries on specific chapter(s) of O.T. books, use these examples with Roman numerals for chapters:
Bible O.T. Genesis I Commentaries
Bible O.T. Isaiah I-XXXIX Commentaries
Bible O.T. Isaiah LIII--Commentaries.
To search for critical works on biblical books:
Bible. O.T. Isaiah I-XXXIX Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible. O.T. Exodus Criticism, interpretation, etc.
from Trinity International University
2065 Half Day Rd. Deerfield, IL 60015