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Music: Research Methods (MUMH 505)

Welcome to Research Methods!

A couple of tips as you proceed through the course.

1) If you wish to access  a library near you (and you are not near Messiah), please feel free to touch base with Liz Kielley if you need a referral to that library or in some other way need a liaison with that library.

2) If you wish to use any of the hardcopy materials that Messiah's library has, you can have the library mail (UPS) them to you.  Use the link below:


Citing Sources

For this course (and most of your graduate courses in music), you will be using Chicago or Turabian style. (Turabian is basically Chicago Style but in more concise form.)

Music Encyclopedias and Dictionaries (Sampsel, ch. 2)

A number of the resources Sampsel cites are only available in hardcopy.  For those, search the Library Catalog by title or do an author search for name of editor.


Library Catalogs (Sampsel, ch. 3)

As you can read in Sampsel, some libraries have opted for  "next generation" or "Web-scale" discovery access, which integrates searching for materials from many different sources, including other databases.  Messiah has implemented a discovery system so that you can find materials, whether they are physically in the library or available online.  You can also choose to search just for items in the library or go to a specific database.

There are 2 different versions of WorldCat available. Users may prefer the functionality or features of one over the other.

Periodical Indexes for Music (Sampsel, ch. 4)

Each library subscribes to those indexes that most meet the needs of their researchers. It is possible that some of the indexes listed in this chapter of Sampsel will be available at a library near you.  Be aware that, due to licensing restrictions, unless you are a cardholder at the library, you will probably need to physically go to the library to access the databases to which they subscribe.

Thematic catalogs (Sampsel, ch. 6)

Most music libraries or libraries with significant music collections include the thematic catalogs of major composers. These are primarily hardcopy (as opposed to digital).  Murray Library, for example, has a number of those listed in Sampsel, such as those of Bach, Beethoven, and Schubert, plus others that Sampsel does not include.  (The call number for these thematic catalogs is ML134 and they are often shelved in the library's reference section.)

Dissertations and Conference Proceedings (Sampsel ch. 5)

Indexes to Music in Complete Works, Historical Sets, and Anthologies (Sampsel, ch. 7)

The majority of the resources in this chapter are in hardcopy.  Some are collections of works by major composers, while others are sets of scores for a given time period or place.  The finding aids for tracking down specific pieces in the myriad volumes are also, for the most part, in hardcopy rather than digital form. Linked here are the few digital resources Sampsel includes.

Online Music Content (Sampsel, ch. 13)


(Note, that in addition to those listed by Sampsel, Murray Library has several E-book collections that offer a lot of useful content.)





Ask me!

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Liz Kielley
Murray Library
Office 019A
717-691-6006 x3850