- Email or physically direct all new orders to the Acquisitions Technician, and if appropriate, mark them with rush or priority. (See Rush/Priority tab for details).
- If known, communicate if the title is a new edition of a library-owned book or is already available as an ebook.
- The Acquisitions Technician will check the library system for previous ownership
- The order will be placed
- No individual notification except for Rush-Holds. Departments will receive reports of new additions based on call number.
Ways to Send Orders:
- Email
- Provide basic bibliographic information and/or an Amazon/publisher link
- Need-by date if appropriate
- Fill out form on library website
- Pages from a publishers catalog
- Choice cards
- Include name on each card
- Whether print or ebook (if available) is preferred
All ordered items are subject to the collection development policy and librarians reserve the right to decline orders from educators, as needed.
Without a specific need-by date, items will be ordered, roughly, on a first in-first out basis until funds are depleted and may take up to eight months to appear on the shelves.
New purchases for the new fiscal year begin August 1. The deadline for ordering items for the library is April 1. All items purchased with library funds must be housed in the library.