This collection consists of literature by influential and notable Canadian authors such as Margaret Atwood, Rudy Wiebe, Robertson Davies, Leonard Cohen and Alice Munro. It is funded by grants from Friends of Murray Library. The library commits to purchasing the annual award winners of the Scotiabank Giller Prize, Governor General's Literary Awards, and the Writers' Trust Fiction Prize.
The English liaison librarian is responsible for purchasing appropriate items for the collection with support from others, as needed. Items selected for purchase with Friends funds will be clearly identified in the ordering process. Technical Services is responsible for cataloging the
items and identifying them as belonging to the Canadian Literature Collection with a bookplate commissioned and funded by Friends.
Items in the Canadian Literature Collection are stored in the larger library collection; they are not stored separately. Items are cataloged according to the Canadian classification system, with the addition of a special subject heading of "Canadian Literature Collection" for easy identification and searching in the library catalog.
The books circulate according to standard circulation policies. Items purchased for the Canadian Literature Collection are primarily English, and monographs. Other formats and languages may be purchased as appropriate.
Items from the Canadian Literature Collection may be withdrawn from this collection at the discretion of the English liaison librarian. Inclusion of the item within the special collection will be considered as a factor against withdrawal, but does not mandate retention if other factors indicate a need for removal. The liaison librarian will consult with appropriate librarians and faculty as needed.
Circulation of this collection
This collection regularly circulates under the same terms as items in the Main Book Stacks. Clarification can be sought at the Circulation Desk.
Questions about this collection can be directed to Librarian Sarah Myers
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Mailing Address: 1 University Ave., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Regular Semester Hours
Monday................8:00am – 11:00pm
Tuesday...............8:00am – 11:00pm
Wednesday..........8:00am – 11:00pm
Thursday..............8:00am – 11:00pm
Friday....................8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday...............10:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday.................2:00pm – 11:00pm
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Saturday, March 8................CLOSED
Sunday, March 9..................CLOSED
Monday, March 10............9am – 5pm
Tuesday, March 11............9am – 5pm
Wednesday, March 12.......9am – 5pm
Thursday, March 13...........9am – 5pm
Friday, March 14................9am – 5pm
Saturday, March 15...............CLOSED
Sunday, March 16............6pm – 11pm