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Library Resources for General Education Curriculum: General Education Information Literacy Curriculum

First Year Seminar

Orientation and Optional Second Session Based on Course Content

Orientation Learning Objectives

  1. Identify Library Spaces and Their Purposes
  2. Navigate and Find Basic Information from the Library Website
  3. Contact a librarian for reference assistance
  4. Identify liaison librarian
  5. Locate a print book using Library of Congress call number system
  6. Locate and access sources in library collection
  7. Request sources not in library collection through interlibrary loan


Before class

  1. Watch librarian welcome video
  2. Respond to survey Canvas survey about library instruction expectations

During class

  1. Tour
  2. Navigate library website - group activity
  3. Locate books and ebooks - demonstration and hands-on activity
  4. Library of Congress classification - hands-on activity
  5. Assessment - interactive quiz


Critical Reading and Writing

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify similarities and differences between Primo and other databases
  2. Deliberately choose database based on information need
  3. Create search strategy including identifying appropriate search terms
  4. Combine search terms with Boolean logic to narrow or expand search results
  5. Revise search strategies based on terms found in the database or relevant sources
  6. Filter search to appropriate focus search results list
  7. Locate and access sources in library collection


Before class

  1. Watch two videos about search strategies
  2. Take short ungraded quiz

During class

  1. Review search strategy concepts
  2. Research Workshop using worksheets
  3. Assessment - interactive quiz


Oral Communication

Contact course faculty for information literacy activities

Writing Across the Curriculum

A trained faculty member should dedicate at least 3-5 instructional hours per Writing Across the Curriculum Major Writing Objective. (See definition of “instructional hours” in COE handbook). If multiple objectives appear in the same course, it is permissible that some of these instructional hours may overlap.

A trained faculty member will incorporate at least two helpful interventions (conferencing, librarian visit, tutoring, peer collaboration, professor comments on ungraded drafts, etc.) in the writing processes in at least one assignment that meets the requirements of the objective being addressed

Faculty are encouraged to connect with liaison librarians and the information literacy menu to meet the information literacy course learning objective in the Writing in the Major parameter.

Contact Librarians

Headshots of all five librarians with the "Ask a Librarian" logo

Liz Kielley

Discovery and Metadata Librarian
e-mail address:
Telephone: 717-691-6006 ext.3850

Liaison librarian for:

  • Biblical, Religious and Philosophical Studies
  • Communication
  • Conducting
  • Counseling (Graduate)
  • Human Development & Family Science
  • Music
  • Psychology, Criminal Justice & Sociology
  • Social Work

Sarah Myers
Public Services Librarian
e-mail address:
Telephone: 717-691-6006 ext.3590

Liaison librarian for:

  • Cocurricular & External Programs
  • Education
  • Graduate Education, Graduate Higher Education
  • History, Politics & International Relations
  • Language, Literature & Writing

Beth Transue
Information Literacy Librarian
e-mail address:
Telephone: 717-691-6006 ext.3810

Liaison librarian for:

  • Athletic Training
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Dietetic Internship
  • Health, Nutrition & Exercise Science
  • Nursing (UG, ADP & Grad)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Sustainability

Rachael Jasitt

Collection Strategies Librarian
e-mail address:
Telephone: 717-691-6006 ext.7017

  • Art & Design
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Theatre and Dance

Janet Vogel

Library Director
e-mail address:
Telephone: 717-691-6006 ext. 3820

  • Computing, Mathematics and Physics

General Education at Messiah University