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Library Resources for General Education Curriculum: CCC Bibliography

Access Items from the CCC Related Texts Bibliography

Bruce C. Birch, “In the Image of God”

Berry, W. (2003). The gift of good land. In The art of the commonplace: The agrarian essays of Wendell Berry (pp. 293–304). Counterpoint. [Also available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Berry, W., & Davis, E. (2011, November 24). The art of being creatures [Audio podcast episode]. In On Being.

Leopold, A. (2013). The land ethic. In A Sand County almanac and other writings on ecology and conservation (pp. 171-189). Library of America. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Michel, J. P. (2016). A story called rest. Comment Magazine, 34(4), 22–28.

Mitchell, B. E. (2016). The struggle for human dignity in a consumer-oriented culture. Anglican Theological Review, 98(1), 111–123.

Sacks, J. (2014, November 17). “The love that brings new life into the world”—Rabbi Sacks on the institution of marriage. Rabbi Sacks.

Shuster, M. (2013). The mystery of original sin. Christianity Today, 57(3), 38–41.

Smith, C. (2005). On “moralistic therapeutic deism” as U.S. teenagers’ actual, tacit, de facto religious faith. The 2005 Princeton Lectures on Youth, Church, and Culture.

Tisby, J. (2022, February 3). The image of God: The gift of race [Video]. YouTube.

Yung, H. (2011). Energising community: Theological education’s relational mandate. Evangelical Review of Theology, 35(1), 61–77.

J.R.R. Tolkien, “Leaf By Niggle”

Caldecott, S. (2003). The tree of tales. In Secret fire: The spiritual vision of J.R.R. Tolkien (pp. 7-27). Darton, Longman & Todd. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Dickerson, M., & Evans, J. (2006). Niggle’s parish. In Ents, elves, and Eriador: The environmental vision of J.R.R. Tolkien (pp. 170–177). University Press of Kentucky. [Also available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Hammond, J., & Hammond, M. (2010). Creation and sub-creation in ‘Leaf by Niggle’. Inklings Forever: Published Colloquium Proceedings 1997-2016, 7.

Sayers, D. L. (2005). The image of God. In The mind of the maker (pp. 37–46). Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. [Also available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Seeley, A. (2012, April 25). Tolkien, faeries, and creation. Circe Institute.

Shippey, T. A. (2000). Autobiographical allegory: 1 ‘Leaf by Niggle’. In J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the century (pp. 266-277). Houghton Mifflin. [Also available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Tolkien, J.R.R. (1966). On fairy stories. In Sayers, D. (Ed.), Essays presented to Charles Williams (pp. 38-89). Eerdmans. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Wolfe, G. (1999). Art, faith, and the stewardship of culture. Image: Art, Faith, Mystery, 25, 96–104. [In print periodicals section; upper alcove area]

Alice Walker, “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens”

Collins, P. H. (1996). What’s in a name?  Womanism, black feminism, and beyond. The Black Scholar, 26(1), 9–17.

Danticat, E. (2010). Create dangerously: The immigrant artist at work. In Create dangerously: The immigrant artist at work (pp. 1–20). Princeton University Press. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Painter, N. I. (2006, February 14). Slavery: A dehumanizing institution. OUPblog.

Popova, M. (2017, April 13). Ursula K. Le Guin on redeeming the imagination from the commodification of creativity and how storytelling teaches us to assemble ourselves. Brain Pickings.

Rex, J. (2015, August 20). Creativity and the everyday brain [Audio podcast episode]. In On Being.

Robinson, M. (2017, September 22). Marilynne Robinson on Finding the Right Word. New York Times (Online).

Ulrich, L. T. (2011). “A quilt unlike any other”: Rediscovering the work of Harriett Powers. In Elizabeth Anne Payne (Ed.), Writing women’s history: A tribute to Anne Firor Scott (pp. 72–96). University Press of Mississippi.

Martin Luther King, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Coates, T.-N. (2017). My president was black. The Atlantic, 319(1), 46–66.

Coates, T.-N. P. (2005). Black guy, white music. Time Magazine, 166(8), 78–78.

Chenoweth, E. (2013, November 4). The success of nonviolent civil resistance [Video]. YouTube.

Cobb, J. (2016). The matter of black lives. The New Yorker, 92(5), 34–40.

Early, G. (2011). The two worlds of race revisited: A meditation on race in the age of Obama. Daedalus, 140(1), 11–27.

Patterson, O. (1995). The paradox of integration. New Republic, 213(19), 24–27.

Robinson, M. (2018). What Is freedom of conscience?: Its long history in Europe and England prepared the American Revolution: Where has this trait gone? The American Scholar, 87(1), 33–43.

Thoreau, H. D. (2020). On the duty of civil disobedience (1849). In Walden, and on the Duty of Civil Disobedience (pp. 241-260). Lerner Publishing Group.

X, M. (2012). The ballot or the bullet (1964). In R. W. Leeman & B. K. Duffy (Eds.), The will of a people: A critical anthology of great African American speeches (pp. 268–294). Southern Illinois University Press.

Augustine, “Confessions”

Brown, F. B. (2011). The art of parting: Conversing with Augustine. Encounter, 72(1), 51–59.

Brown, P. (2000). Friends. In Augustine of Hippo: A biography (pp. 50-53). University of California Press. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Carmichael, L. (2004). Ambrose, Cassian and Augustine: Caritas is the great and true virtue. In Friendship: Interpreting Christian love (pp. 40–69). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Cicero, M. T. (n.d.). On friendship, or Laelius. Loeb Classical Library.

Elshtain, J. B. (1998). Why Augustine? Why now. Theology Today, 55(1), 5–14.

González, J. L. (2016). Introduction. In The mestizo Augustine: A theologian between two cultures (pp. 10-15). IVP Academic.

Michael, B. & Michael, S. (2018). Practicing faith and reconciliation through friendship: Remembering Charles Freer Andrews (1871-1940).

Williams, R. (2015). What is Christianity? SPCK Publishing. [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Williams, R. (2016). Augustinian love. In On Augustine (pp. 191-206). Bloomsbury [Available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

Harold S. Bender, “The Anabaptist Vision”

Dintaman, S. F. (1993, March 5). The spiritual poverty of the Anabaptist vision. Mennonite Brethren Herald, 6–7.

Dreher, R. (2015, October 6). Benedict Option FAQ. The American Conservative.

Gehrz, C. (2017, September 12). 4 steps to the renewal of evangelicalism. Anxious Bench.

Grimsrud, T. (2006). Anabaptism for the twenty-first century. The Mennonite Quarterly Review, 80(3), 371–390. [In print periodicals section; upper alcove area]

Keefer, L. L. (1990). Arminian motifs in the Anabaptist heritage. Brethren in Christ History and Life, 13, 293–323. [In print periodicals section; upper alcove area]

Mommsen, P. (2017, Autumn). The church we need now. Plough, 14.

Swartz, D. (2012). Re-baptizing evangelicalism: American anabaptist and the 1970s evangelical left. In J. S. Burkholder, D. C. Cramer, G. M. Marsden, & S. W. Shenk (Eds.), The activist impulse: Essays on the intersection of evangelicalism and Anabaptism. Pickwick Publications. [Also available in print library collection; Ask at Circulation Desk]

CCC Dante Reading List Bibliography - HONORS

Baxter, J. M. (2021). Why does everyone love Dante? America, 225(3), 1-3.

Baxter, J. M. (24 January  2023). A Divine Comedy we can feel in the pulse. First Things

Baylor University. (n. d.) 100 days of Dante [Audio podcast, Series of short podcasts on each of the Cantos in Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, so 100 podcasts in all].

Dreher, R. (2021). Grateful for Dante: How the great-souled Tuscan saved my life. Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, 34(4), 23–26.

Dulles, A. R. C. (2003). The population of hell. First Things, 133, 36–41.

Hollander, R. (1999). Dante: A party of one. First Things, 92, 30–35.

Meilaender, G. (2018). Virtuous evildoers. First Things, 280, 37–42.

Reid, I., & Siddall, B. (Hosts). (2022, June 18). A beginner’s guide to Dante’s Divine Comedy with Jason Baxter [Audio podcast episode]. In God’s story podcast.

Royal, R. (2022). O light exalted. First Things, 320, 33–40.

Turner, D. (2022). Dante in exile. Commonweal, 149(11), 26–31.

Wilson, J. M. (2022). A map of Dante’s Purgatorio in three touchstones. Church Life Journal.

Zaleski, C. (2014). Rhymes and reasons. Christian Century, 131(4), 37.

Zweneman, A. (Host). (2021, September 13). Dante's Inferno: An interview with Jeannette DeCelles-Zwerneman (No. 16) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classics. Cana Academy. , episode 16: Dante’s Inferno