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"EH" is short for "economic history" and this site is sponsored by several scholarly associations. Besides "Measuring Worth" (see above), this site has archived data from a number of scholars. Most data sets are about America or Europe in the 19th & 20th centuries. There is also a list of ongoing projects and data sets archived elsewhere.

Historical Census Data Browser

U. S. census data

IISH List of Datafiles of Historical Prices and Wages

From the International Institute of Social History. Provides both datafiles archived by the IISH (mostly as spreadsheets) and an index of datafiles archived elsewhere. Especially useful for non-U.S. data.

Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank

Consists of a handful of datasets created by individual scholars. The data include exchange rates, prices, and wages.

National Historic Geographic Information System

"The National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2011." Note: Statistics for more geographic areas are available in the printed or online volumes on the Census Bureau website.

Publications of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Find scanned copies of BLS catalogs that list BLS publications from 1886-1998.

Value of a Dollar: prices and incomes in the United States, 1860-2004

Actual prices of thousands of items that consumers purchased from the Civil War to the present

Voyages: the Transatlantic Slave Trade Database

Access to 4 databases (Voyages, Estimates, Images, and African Names) with information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages transporting over 10 million Africans between the 16th and 19th centuries." Data includes summary statistics, timelines, graphs, maps

Social Explorer

1790-2006. This site combines data from the U.S. Census of Population and Housing & the American Community Survey (ACS) with a user friendly interface allowing the creation of maps & statistical tables. Census Tract boundaries are available back to 1940.[

Atlas of United States Presidential Elections

National, state and county-level data and maps of presidential primaries and elections 1789-2004. Note: maps are colored red for Democrats and blue for Republicans.

A New Nation Votes

A searchable collection of election returns from the earliest years of American democracy.

Penn World Tables (via University of Groningen)

Originally constructed by economists at University of Pennsylvania and now a collaboration between University of California, Davis and the University of Groningen. Three databases on historical economic development. Data sets within provide long time indicators of economic growth for a wide set of countries--some data extending as far back as 1 AD.

FRED (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

FRED contains historic U.S. economic and financial data, including daily U.S. interest rates, monetary and business indicators, exchange rates, and regional economic data for Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee.

Allows users to locate, download and utilize datasets generated by Executive Branch agencies.

Presents statistics on the U.S. transportation system, including its physical components, safety record, economic performance, the human and natural environment, and national security.

Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Election Returns (1789-2003) Harold Cox, Professor of History, Emeritus, Wilkes University

United States Historical Election Returns Series ICPSR: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.

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